LOS ANGELES, CA – ZupaNova’s iconic duo Rawcel Cooks (Songwriter for The Black Eyed Peas) and Davy Brown (Multi-Genre...
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Get the Inside Scoop on the Chart-Topping Music Group “ZupaNova” that has Fans at the Edge of their Seats since the Release of “ZupaHot” and “PopPop”
Ruthi Davis, , Albums, Editor's Choice Playlists, Fashion/Lifestyle, Hip Hop Knowledge, IAHHM Power Rankings, Music Videos, News, Songs, Top Stories, Who You Should Hear, Album, Ambition, Apl.De.Dap, Arii Brazil, BEP, Broshigeez, Davy Brown, Don't Think, EDM, entertainment, Fergie, global, Hip Hop, hip hop music, Iakopo, inside scoop, Interscope Records, Kondzilla, Music, music icons, New Release, news, Philanthropy, pop music, PopPop, Rawcel Cooks, Single, Taboo, The Black Eyed Peas, Will.I.Am, worldwide, ZupaHot, ZupaNova, 0Find out what’s next for this iconic duo (from hinting at new music and fashion), exclusive details about their...
McKenna Camille’s New Single “Strawberry Shortcake” is Savoring the Summer Vibes
Ruthi Davis, , Interviews, Music Videos, Songs, Top Stories, Who You Should Hear, McKenna Camille, Music, Single, strawberry shortcake, summer, 0Craving something sweet, fresh and new this Summer? “Strawberry Shortcake” is not just America's favorite dessert, but also McKenna...
Music Artist Coties Shakes-Up the Trap Scene with Smashing Single ‘Crimes in Daygo’
Ruthi Davis, , Songs, Top Stories, Who You Should Hear, empowerment, Hip Hop, inspiration, Music, Single, trap music, 0San Diego, CA – Music Artist Coties is celebrating the release of his new single ‘Crimes in Daygo’ on...
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